Quality Policy

Quality Policy

The policy of Afrigen Energy Ltd is that our services to the Client are performed in a manner that satisfies Client needs, relevant standards and prevailing statutory and regulatory requirements, with regard to quality, health and safety, reliability, performance and environmental criteria. 

The Quality policy has the active commitment of the Board of Directors, who identifies business improvements, ensure the effectiveness of the Quality policy by identifying continual system improvements and provide initiatives for preventive actions and ensure the Quality policy is reviewed; at least annually. 

All Company personnel are responsible for the quality of their own work and that of personnel reporting to them. All Company personnel whilst in the Company’s employ must observe the Quality policy. 

The ultimate responsibility for Quality management is with the Board of Directors and the Chief Executive who will ensure adequate financial and physical resources are available. 

The business objectives of Afrigen Energy Ltd are as follows: 

To maintain a well trained workforce with appropriate expertise 

To encourage a culture of innovation, both technically and in the way we work 

To provide outstanding Client service 

To acquire new Clients whilst retaining existing Clients by delivering flexible, tailor-made solutions to meet the Clients’ objectives and needs